A ton of finished work and WIP's...mix of clean and nude/adult. the latter are under the cut.
finished version of Death and the Maiden. Portfolio piece for sure. Didn't scan the whole thing though, it got cut off. ;-;

Various unfinished ATCs. Fanart for Matt & Kim (I'll Take Us Home to be specific, from the album Grand) and Say Anything (Little Girls), and a picture of Bailey wigging out in double. All from this summer.
The Body (Stand By Me was made from this story), and Carrie. I want to make a "torso" for the middle but I need to pick another, recognizable, Stephen King story. Also it has to be one I've read. XP I haven't read all his "classics" yet by any means.
Liam. It doesn't look like how I want him to look. His face used to be too "pretty" so I went all ultra-squished and now it's just not him either. Honestly, he looks like Derrick (see below the cut, but warning: adult art) and that's annoying. Drawn to the totally inspiring, mostly instrumental album Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die; Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever by Explosions in the Sky (I bet it's a will instead of shall but I can't remember right now). There's one track that's got speaking.
And finally, this is in my portfolio to show how my thoughts progress. A redesign of a character with a long, interesting history. I made up Triina in like, 7th grade. She got me into some drama with gutter flower (who is a friend now <3) for good reason: I didn't quite understand what I'd done as being wrong, but I'd copied her character Tristan, especially his hair. There wasn't enough distinguishing them (looking back it is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done, honestly). So then I was super inspired by all the adorable asian people all over Seattle and by a few tattoo books I'd bought recently, and just...by the atmosphere over there, and a bunch of bluejays in the bird feeder back home. So I went crazy and made her an honestly cool character. She's kinda chubby and small-chested, and I like it. Her tattoos are all asian-themed now and I actually took the time to design them. I threw on a TON of bird feathers, kept her hands which change color with HEAT as to MOOD but instead of dumb pawprints shaped like X's, she's got splatter markings. Bird hands, birdlike feet. Feathers and stumps of undeveloped wings, ridges of feathers that can raise and lower. I love her now.
I'm making a few adoptables and some of them will be bird-dogs like her.
I was afraid to post the redesign for a long time. I was kind of secretly convinced that I'd accidentally made her more like Tristan or more like another character, one I didn't even know existed or something...which was stupid, so I just went ahead with it. Only for some time, I'd had Triina with new hair and a tweaked design that was acceptable to both of us. She just fell to the wayside and I redesigned her to have something cute to draw.
She's got a totally different attitude too. I mellowed her out like woah, and made her just...way cuter, way more fun, and less...gross and slutty. She might join a riot grrl group that would then be around where Bad Spider and I Read the Giver play (I Read the Giver is read as in, past tense: I have read the Giver). She's a fan of them and that's a shirt design I hope to make for real someday.
A really fun picture of Sid from alllll the way back in Summer again, when I was in Kentucky! I love the pose...so sassy. She's my grey and white pit bull girl. Fauxhawks ftw. She's really damn cute and may be in a band with Triina. in any case, she's friends with her if nothing else.
The rest of the stuff is under the cut.
Two pictures of Merriweather's anthro ref: a WIP of the coloring (the face on his anthro form may become an icon, I like it a ton) and the finished version so far, complete with shitty foster's home inspired doodles of Dan smoking joints.
oh shit, this version doesn't have his MLP esque tattoo complete...;-; and parts of the skin aren't done. That funky horrid thing that looks like a capital G is actually an over-inked branding from Carlos. it's a C to show he's her property. And he's got the collar on at all times...forgot it on the anthro form.
I may censor it and then shove it up on FA. I'm weird about not putting things up as mature...but equally weird about putting them up as mature too.
Oh well, I thought it was the finished version!
Speaking of finished, my very first adult piece is finished:
This mysterious smear showed up so I had to fix it with a lame little halloween star wall decoration. ;-; I really like how it came out though.
Already partially colored. Did all of Rachel's pink skin and fixed a few inking errors. yeah, Derrick's head is huge. as in, dick. It makes it look smaller than it is :P
aaaand to give an idea...
Same pictures, just made them into scrap badges earlier this year. :)
What they actually look like. Did this last year...was sketching it at Anthrocon, actually. Colored it late last year/early this year, not sure. They're just srs furfags...but humans nonetheless. Lol. Derrick's hair was eaten by the corner of the page.
Merriweather and Derrick have similar piercings and hair, I know. And Derrick's a rat, like Lance. I hope this won't confuse people too badly (already confused some friends irl, lol).
I didn't think of it when I made Lance up, honestly. :P
Later today if I get around to scanning I'll have some human practice up. Faces. :)
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